Facts Every Squarespace SEO Expert Understands

When you think of an amazing way to build an SEO-friendly website, you certainly will have several options to try out, including WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace. Well, developing a website that suits your brand vision and mission can be quite challenging, especially if you’re not a techie person and you’ll require the help and expertise of an SEO expert.

Squarespace has numerous easy-to-use templates and SEO tools to help your website rank effectively in Google SERPs. While you may see SEO as a science, experts like us view it as an art. 

There is so much to learn about Squarespace SEO, which is why I have provided in this guide the top facts every Squarespace SEO expert understands, especially the Eureka that emanates when it’s obvious that we have attained expert status when it comes to Squarespace SEO.

As a firm looking to find Squarespace experts for your business website, the facts mentioned in this guide can help you narrow your search and hire the best hands. However, before we dive into the ocean of facts, let’s talk about what Squarespace SEO is, the tools it offers, and some best practices to follow.

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Why Is Squarespace SEO Important?

In today’s digital world, if your business has a website, you’re among the many seeking to drive traffic to your pages and attract the right audience. Ultimately, you’re among the several companies looking to rank high on Google search pages for the services you offer.

Hence, hosting your website on Squarespace can’t get you the result your brand desires unless you understand the basic principles of smart SEO. Recall that I said “smart” SEO and not just SEO. Why? In the past. SEO centers on overwhelming your website with the right keywords, but times have changed.

Modern SEO practices and digital marketing are about making Google aware that your website is the go-to or authoritative site for sources of information related to the products or services your business offers. This entails a constant refining of algorithms, providing ideal content, using the right plugins, and optimizing your website speed, images, content, and keywords. Can you see why I said “smart’ SEO?

However, with Squarespace SEO, you can perform various effective optimizations to your website with the powerful embedded features in Squarespace. With the aid of a Squarespace SEO expert, you can take advantage of various features to help your website provide:

  • Regularly updated and relevant content
  • A unique, authoritative, and clear message
  • Sufficient traffic from the targeted audience, which indicates real interest. This can be achieved by employing the right marketing channel to drive traffic to your website.
  • Links to other websites and inter-linking to yours

Although WordPress seeks to be a leading content management and website hosting platform for several businesses, Squarespace is becoming more popular. As depicted in the boxed graph below, Squarespace is the home of thousands of firms and possesses numerous plugins you can utilize to enhance your website.

Comparison of the number of SEO plugins available in Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress.

It’s understandable that as a business owner, your focus is geared towards your brand, the products offered, or services rendered rather than the draining exercise of battling with search engine optimization. Hiring a Squarespace SEO expert is essential to help you manage your website and incorporate the necessary SEO strategies to improve your website pages and content.

Top 5 Facts Every Squarespace SEO Expert Should Understand

Squarespace boasts tons and tons of advanced SEO built-in features that can improve your website. Knowing how to effectively use them to optimize your site is important to your brand’s digital success.

There are many aspects to SEO and loads of information out there. There’s technical SEO, off-page SEO, and various best SEO practices for companies. All these can easily make you feel overwhelmed.

However, with Squarespace SEO, you are ultimately free from the technicalities of SEO, as there are tools that can manage these technical aspects automatically. With that being said, here are the top five facts every Squarespace SEO expert knows and how they can use them to optimize your website and rank well on Google, Bing, and other user-based search engines.

You Can Easily Optimize Keywords on Squarespace

Keyword research is one of the important SEO practices. It remains the backbone of SEO, and this is no different when it comes to utilizing Squarespace. It doesn’t matter what hosting platform or builder you use, doing your due diligence to find the right keywords your website should aim for is highly crucial.

Keywords enable users to find your website when they type a particular phrase into search engines. Occasionally, these keywords are obvious and direct, for instance, dentist in Elkin, NC, which could be your target keyword for Elkin dentist, or indirect keywords, such as “dentist near me” or “teeth cleaning.” This is why performing good keyword research is crucial to enhancing your Squarespace SEO.

Squarespace Makes It Easy To Add High-Quality Content 

On a Squarespace website, a major emblem for good SEO is high-quality content. Google loves fresh, authoritative, and valuable content for anyone who wants and needs it, and it’s your duty as a website owner or service provider to provide this content.

Squarespace makes it easy to include a blog section or tab on your site. There are also various themes you can automatically select to develop your blog section. Immediately after the blog section is created, don’t hesitate to dish out relevant information to your audience. 

There are two available options when it comes to writing content for your website. You can write the content yourself or outsource to an SEO-oriented freelancer. Either of you can brainstorm to idealize the content your target traffic wants.

I recommend you examine the major questions your audience seeks answers to most and determine the pain points you aim to address with your product or services. Your desire to solve these problems should become a huge part of the SEO strategy you employ for your Squarespace website. 

Link Building Is Intrinsic To Having An Optimized Squarespace Site

Link building is a core Squarespace SEO strategy that helps connect various parts of your website. Allow me to explain this example. Considering that you’ll be creating tons of content for your website, you’ll need a mechanism to connect one content to another relative content and other dedicated areas of your site. This kind of connection is called link building and is known to others as internal linking.

Internal links are links that direct visitors to other pages on your website. They are a great avenue for enhancing SEO on Squarespace sites, as they help users find relevant pages that can improve their overall experience. 

Internal linking also helps Google recognize your site as authoritative, especially if it links to a niche that addresses your audience’s pain point. It also helps Google understand the most important pages on your Squarespace site. 

However, you must work with a Squarespace SEO expert to carefully link pages on your site. This is also important to avoid going overboard with internal links. One thing to note is that the number of pages on your site will determine the variability of internal links at your disposal. Fewer pages mean fewer links, and vice versa.

In addition to edging your Squarespace website SEO, you’ll need to be meticulous about your anchor text to improve optimization. The anchor text is words or keywords you link to, which direct users to the desired pages. Lastly, don’t spam your readers with links to your newest products. Ensure the internal links add value to the users and direct them to useful or informative pages on your site.

SEO Page Titles and Meta Description Are Effective Click-Bait

SEO titles and meta tags (page titles and descriptions) are concise words appearing beneath any pages displayed in search engines. They easily tell your target audiences what should be expected on your page. 

When this part of search engine optimization is done correctly, your Squarespace website can experience increased visitors in a short time. Google tends to automatically generate page titles and meta descriptions for pages that fail to include them, and this is not always effective. 

You must include SEO titles and meta descriptions on all your pages, including product pages and blog posts. Your title and meta tags should generally be:

  • Provide precise and clear details about what your target audience will find if they click on your link.
  • Include the primary keyword you aim to target.

Here’s an example of an optimized Squarespace title tag and meta tag:

Optimized Alt-Tags For Images Enhances Visibility

Image alt-text is an essential ranking factor for your Squarespace website and shouldn’t be ignored when drafting a Squarespace SEO strategy. An alt-text help serves as your image meta description, which explains to Google why and when to display such an image, as related to queries from users.

The alt-text is a powerful SEO tool as it specifically:

  • Offer descriptions in situations where images are failing to load
  • Improves accessibility for users with screen readers and
  • Gives context to search engines as a means to improve your SEO

For your Squarespace site, you should use alt-text in blog images, cover pages, email campaigns, logos, product pages, gallery pages, and background pages.


While there are various facts Squarespace SEO experts know about enhancing and optimizing your website, you can individually enhance your website by yourself. However, this will come with numerous trials and errors, which can impact the overall quality of your Squarespace site.

I recommend you hire a Squarespace SEO expert to handle various aspects of your site and help you effectively take advantage of the tons of features embedded in Squarespace.